6:00 PM, Dinner (not included in registration), Sava’s. UM has reserved a room on the upper level that can accommodate around 20 people. Restaurant warns that access to the room is stairs-only.
8:30 AM Opening Remarks/Welcome (Brock Palen, UM)
8:40 AM Michigan Site Update
9:00 AM Julie Ma (MGHPCC), Overview of the Northeast Cyberteam Initiative model for workforce development and an update on Ask.CI
9:30 AM Alex Younts (Purdue), Windows VMs and using it to teach cluster administration to undergraduates.
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM Breakout (AI/DL) (Scott Michael (IU))
11:00 AM Jini Ramprakash (ANL), Argonne Leadership Computing Facility Overview
11:30 AM Hadrian Djohari (Case Western), Site presentation and centralization of campus research servers
12:00 PM Lunch Break (lunch on your own)
1:30 PM Interactive Desktops Panel: Abhinav Thota (IU), Stephen Harrell (Purdue), Todd Raeker (UM), Brian Guilfoos (OSC)
2:15 PM Breakout (User Support/Applications) (Todd Raeker (UM))
3:00 PM MWRCC Formal Structure Discussion
3:45 PM Wrap Up (Brock Palen, UM)
4:00 PM Program Concludes