One of the most important roles for the Steering Committee is to convene subcommittees to manage its accelerator programs and provide structure and guidance to the affinity groups. Subcommittees are intended to be longer-lived entities that will be convened to address long-term goals and issues. Network participants may request to be part of the Steering Committee or attend a meeting as an observer. Fill out this form to make a request.
Current Steering Committee Members include:
Winona Snapp-Childs (Indiana University) | Karen Tomko (Ohio Supercomputer Center) |
Scott Hampton (Notre Dame) | Brock Palen (University of Michigan) |
Jane Combs (University of Cincinnati) | Todd Shechter (University of Wisconsin) |
Benjamin Lynch (University of Minnesota/ Minnesota Supercomputer Institute) | Lee Liming (University of Chicago) |
Preston Smith (Purdue University) | Beth Plale (Indiana University) |
Hadrian Djohari (Case Western Reserve) |
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